The Insurance for Texans Blog

How Much Cyber Liability Coverage Do I Need?

Written by Brad Hancock | Dec 29, 2022 5:21:44 PM

It is crucial that your business has enough cyber liability insurance to protect it from cyber threats and data breaches, as the costs of recovery and legal settlements can reach over $100,000 based on the extent of the breach. To determine the limit of cyber liability insurance needed we first need to discuss who is at risk, what is cyber liability insurance, and the types of cyber events. With that, we can then use several key factors to help you determine the limit of coverage.

Who Is At Risk?

Cyber attacks can potentially affect any individual or organization that uses the internet and stores or processes data electronically. However, some businesses and industries may be at a higher risk due to the nature of their operations or the type of data they handle.

For example, businesses in the financial, healthcare, and retail sectors may be at a higher risk for cyber attacks due to the sensitive nature of the data they handle. Similarly, businesses that handle large amounts of customer data, such as personal information or financial information, may be at a higher risk.

Additionally, small businesses and startups may be at a higher risk for cyber attacks due to their limited resources and potentially less robust security measures.

The first step for businesses and individuals is to take steps to protect themselves from cyber-attacks and to have a plan in place in case an attack does occur. This can include implementing strong passwords and security measures, regularly updating software and systems, and having appropriate insurance coverage. A cyber liability policy can help fill the gaps where a cybercriminal might be able to defeat your security safeguards.



What Is Cyber Liability Insurance?

Cyber liability insurance is a type of insurance that helps protect businesses from financial losses resulting from cyber-attacks and data breaches. It can cover the costs associated with responding to and recovering from a cyber incident, such as legal fees, notification and credit monitoring services for affected individuals, and any business interruption costs.

Cyber liability insurance can also provide coverage for the costs of repairing damaged systems, recovering lost data, and rebuilding a business's reputation after a cyber attack. It may also include liability coverage for lawsuits related to data breaches, as well as coverage for cyber extortion threats.

Cyber liability insurance is important for businesses of all sizes, as even small businesses can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks. It can help protect businesses from financial ruin if they experience a cyber attack or data breach.

What Are The Most Common Cyber Attacks?

Cyber liability insurance can provide coverage for a variety of cyber attacks, including:

  1. Data breaches: A data breach occurs when unauthorized individuals gain access to sensitive information, such as personal data or financial information (i.e. driver's license numbers, credit cards, health records, or social security numbers)

  2. Ransomware attacks: Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim's data and demands a ransom payment from the victim to restore access.

  3. Phishing attacks: Phishing attacks involve sending fake emails or texts that appear to be from legitimate sources in order to trick individuals into disclosing sensitive information or infecting their devices with malware.

  4. Malware attacks: Malware is software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system.

  5. Denial of service attacks: A denial of service attack involves flooding a website or network with traffic in an attempt to make it unavailable to users.

  6. Man-in-the-middle attacks: A man-in-the-middle attack involves an attacker intercepting communication between two parties and manipulating or stealing the information being transmitted.

  7. Insider threats: Insider threats refer to individuals within an organization who misuse their access to sensitive customer information for personal gain or to cause harm to the organization.

It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and cyber attacks can take many different forms. Cyber liability insurance can provide coverage for these and other types of cyber attacks. So how much cyber liability should you consider?

How Much Cyber Liability Coverage Is Needed?

The amount of coverage you need will depend on the size and nature of your business, as well as the potential risks and vulnerabilities you face. With cyber policy limits starting as low as $100,000 determining the right limit of coverage can be very important. Choosing a lower limit could leave you paying out of pocket for a portion of a claim.

Here are some factors to consider when determining how much cyber liability insurance you need:

  1. The type of business you run: Different industries have different levels of risk when it comes to cyber-attacks. For example, a business that handles sensitive financial or personal data may be at a higher risk than a business that doesn't. In addition, industries held to certain standards such as HIPAA compliance often have large exposures to client data.

  2. The size of your business: Larger businesses typically have more data and assets to protect, so they may need more coverage. Personal data can include names, dates of birth, driver's license numbers, medical history, and more.

  3. The potential cost of a cyber attack: Consider the potential costs associated with a cyber attack, including legal fees, notification and credit monitoring services for affected individuals, and any business interruption costs. This can be for your business's losses as well as the financial losses your clients face as a result of your attack.

  4. The extent of your current coverage: Review your current insurance policies to determine if you already have some coverage for cyber risks. Do you have any current coverage included as a part of a business insurance policy that you might not be aware of? Cyber liability insurance policies come in two parts, first-party cyber liability coverage, and third-party cyber liability insurance coverage. 

Your risk profile data mentioned above, along with your claims history, are often used to determine how much cyber liability insurance will cost a business. The cost of cyber liability insurance can vary significantly based on a variety of factors, including the size and nature of your business, the amount of coverage you need, and the potential risks and vulnerabilities you face. For instance, a medical office or financial advisory firm handles much more sensitive information than a small retail boutique. 

Finding The Right Cyber Policy For You

Choosing the right cyber insurance policy for your business does not have to be difficult. As an independent insurance broker, Insurance for Texans has a number of available cyber insurance companies to choose from to meet your particular risk levels and provide you with a cyber liability insurance quote. As your agent, we can work with you to determine the appropriate cyber coverage and cyber coverage limit for your operations. In addition to cyber liability insurance, our insurance agents can assist with a number of other types of business insurance. As your Texas commercial insurance agency, we can assist with commercial property insurance, commercial auto insurance, professional liability coverage, employment practices liability insurance, and many other types of insurance.