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Insurance For Texans Blog

All the Insurance Topics a Texan Could Want

    Is It Better To Have Actual Cash Value Or Replacement Cost On Churches

    Posted by Amanda Minter on Oct 21, 2024 4:02:17 PM
    Even though hail season has been quiet this fall, Arnold knew that it will not last forever. Death, Taxes, and Hail Storms are inevitable no matter ...
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    Topics: replacement cost, actual cash value, hail, property, Church Insurance

    Does Texas Have Its Own Health Insurance Marketplace?

    Posted by Kevin Hall on Oct 18, 2024 4:14:02 PM
    Mary owns a small business in Austin that is still small enough that she does not have to provide a health insurance plan for her and her employee. ...
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    Topics: health insurance, ACA, ACA Alternatives, Obamacare, Austin

    Workers Comp Insurance For Texas Churches

    Posted by Amanda Minter on Oct 17, 2024 4:20:16 PM
    Fred is an elder at his church in Amarillo and was tasked with reviewing the insurance coverage for the church’s staff. He’d never dealt with ...
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    Topics: liability, Amarillo, workers comp, Church Insurance

    What Are The Basics Of Texas Church Insurance?

    Posted by Amanda Minter on Oct 16, 2024 4:13:48 PM
    Elizabeth sat down with a stack of documents in front of her, feeling completely overwhelmed. She had been tasked with finding insurance for her Fort ...
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    Topics: liability, property, Church Insurance, insurance basics

    Can A Small Church Provide Health Coverage Using A Self-Funded Plan?

    Posted by Kevin Hall on Oct 15, 2024 5:02:49 PM
    Ted had a problem. Leading his church in Abilene meant taking care of his small staff—dedicated people who helped run everything from Sunday services ...
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    Topics: health insurance, group health, Church Insurance, self-funded

    What Texans Risk by Skipping Health Insurance in 2025

    Posted by Kevin Hall on Oct 11, 2024 2:43:11 PM
    Jim thought he was making a smart financial decision. After all, paying health insurance premiums each month seemed like a waste of money when he ...
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    Topics: health insurance, ACA, catastrophic health coverage, ACA Alternatives, private health insurance

    Top 5 Complaints About Church Insurance In Texas

    Posted by Brad Hancock on Oct 10, 2024 5:03:06 PM
    Terry couldn't believe her eyes when the new insurance premium for her Waco church arrived. As the church’s administrator, she knew their budget was ...
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    Topics: limits of coverage, property, Church Insurance, non-renewal

    Health Insurance Made Easy for Texas Small Businesses: Gail's Journey

    Posted by Kevin Hall on Oct 9, 2024 4:13:55 PM
    Gail runs a small accounting firm in Tyler, Texas, with ten dedicated employees. She’s proud of the close-knit team she’s built and the way they take ...
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    Topics: health insurance, group health, employer health insurance, small business

    What Are Essential Health Benefits For Texas Health Insurance Policies

    Posted by Kevin Hall on Oct 8, 2024 5:23:51 PM
    Mike was feeling a bit overwhelmed as he began to think about all of the preventive tests that come with turning 50. He knew that he had to stay on ...
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    Topics: health insurance, ACA, Obamacare

    Securing Essential Coverage For Your Texas Daycare

    Posted by Brad Hancock on Oct 3, 2024 5:32:38 PM
    Lisa is a dedicated owner of a local daycare center in North Austin who found herself navigating through the complex world of insurance jargon while ...
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    Topics: gaps in coverage, property, True Texas Education Insurance, daycares