The Insurance for Texans Blog

Securing Your Church Event with the Right Insurance

Written by Kevin Hall | Apr 5, 2024 10:00:56 PM

Many small and medium sized towns in Texas have festivals or other special events throughout the year. Fall festivals and Friday Night Lights seem to go hand in hand as the temps finally begin to cool off. And when these kind of events spring up, many communities lean on their local churches to help provide entertainment, manpower, and a spark of momentum to get them rolling. Theresa, who is a part of a small church in Abilene called our office with a very specific question. She wanted to know if her church's general liability coverage from their commercial insurance covered their participation in a special event away from the church property. Theresa had heard about church event insurance and wondered if she needed to secure it.

This concern isn't trivial for Texas churches, and honestly needs to be checked into by many of them. With churches doing special event activities on a regular basis, they can potentially be exposing themselves to unneeded financial risks that could easily be eliminated for a few hundred dollars in many instances.


The potential for unforeseen incidents, from property damage to personal injuries, can cast a shadow of financial losses and legal uncertainty over the festivities if ignored. Theresa realized this as they were planning one of their larger events of the year. It's important to look at securing special event insurance, ensuring the church's moment of outreach and celebration isn't overshadowed by avoidable risks.

Understanding Event Insurance

What many church leaders may not understand is that liability insurance coverage for their church may not cover their legal liability for a special event whether it is occuring on their church property or off it. As a result, a special event liability policy can act as an essential layer of protection, tailored to address the unique liabilities and financial obligations associated with hosting significant gatherings. Beyond the coverage provided by general church insurance policies, event insurance specifically addresses the risks of property damage, injuries, and other liabilities, offering peace of mind and financial safeguarding against claims.

Defined as a safeguard for organizers, event insurance covers risks specific to the execution of special events. It ensures that churches can participate in off-site events, like the one Theresa is helping with in Abilene. This will help them prepare and share with their community without the looming threat of unforeseen liability exposure if something were to go wrong. The great thing is that special event coverage can also provide event cancellation insurance. And that can be a great benefit given the pesky Texas weather!

Why do Churches Need Event Insurance?

The necessity of event insurance coverage for churches stems from the myriad risks inherent in hosting public gatherings. With the potential for property damage and personal injuries, the need for comprehensive coverage becomes clear, particularly for events held in locations not covered by the church's existing insurance policy. One of the biggest threats to a Texas church's budget are major financial losses due to a lawsuit judgement. And what goes unsaid is that liability coverage will contain exclusions and conditions inside the policy. One of the exclusions is often applied to large special events whether they are held on site or away from your church building. For small additional costs to your current insurance portfolio, it makes sense to purchase this type of policy if your insurance company has these exclusions in their liability coverage.

What Does Special Event Insurance Cover?

Event general liability insurance offers broad coverage, encompassing liabilities such as property damage and bodily injury for third-party claims. If you are off-site, it also provides the ability to name the host on a certificate of insurance to extend coverage to them as well. This ensures that churches can navigate the complexities of event hosting with assurance and confidence knowing that they have adequate coverage for the things that pop up in the following three ways.

Liability Insurance

While general liability insurance provides a base level of protection, special events often require additional coverage due to their unique nature. Event liability insurance is important for covering legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments. This provides an indispensable safety net for common risks that churches face when venturing into the realm of large-scale public events.

Property Damage Insurance

This facet of special event insurance protects against damage claims to both real and personal property, offering coverage for a wide range of potential perils. This can be extended to both your church's own property or a third party that is rented. That means that you are ensuring your church is not financially burdened by the need for repairs or replacements in the aftermath of an event.

Bodily Injury Insurance

Bodily injury coverage within special event insurance policies is vital, covering medical expenses, lost wages, and legal defense costs arising from third-party injuries. While it will not replace the need for workers compensation insurance for church employees, this will help cover bodily injury claims that can arise with a large gathering of people. This coverage is essential in safeguarding churches from the financial implications of injury claims.

What Types Of Events Require Churches To Need Separate Coverage?

It's important to work with a church insurance specialist who can understand the types of insurance coverage that your church does and does not have when approaching a special event. An experienced insurance agent will be able to quickly identify whether or not you need a special event insurance policy. Typically speaking, if you are hosting a large event at a public place like a park, event hall, or similar location, you will want to secure an event policy to eliminate questions about coverage. It's a little more complicated when hosting a community event, private event, or charity event on your church property. That's why our church insurance agents read the policy contract with you to make sure you're covered.

Getting Special Event Insurance For Your Church

The process of obtaining a special event insurance policy is easy, especially when churches engage with specialists who understand the unique insurance needs of churches and religious organizations in Texas. Having an experienced independent insurance agent in your corner can provide access to multiple solutions to an easy problem. The paperwork will not be tough, and the costs are usually inexpensive. 

Working With Insurance For Texans To Get Coverage

Insurance For Texans excels in crafting customized insurance plans for Texas churches. Our goal is match coverage that aligns precisely with the church's activities and needs. Hosting special events can require specialized coverage which our experienced insurance agents can help you secure.

For Theresa and her church in Abilene, navigating the preparations for their community celebration highlights the indispensable role of special event insurance. Click the button below to secure your special celebration with TRUE Texas Church Insurance, and move forward with your event plans, knowing that your church is protected against unforeseen risks.