The Insurance for Texans Blog

How Texas Print Shops Can Overcome Equipment Automation Failures

Written by Ron Wadley | Nov 28, 2023 4:56:06 PM

Picture this: Bradley, a proud Texan and owner of a bustling print shop in Midland, faced a nightmare scenario. His automated print shop equipment, the backbone of his business, suddenly malfunctioned and he wasn't sure why. He tried resetting everything with a hard reboot, but it didn't change anything at all. Orders were piling up, deadlines were being missed, and Bradley's stress levels were skyrocketing.

As Bradley began to look at what was going wrong, he realized that he could not get into the computer system that controls the automation system for his machines. His heart sank as he knew that this couldn't be good and was likely going to be expensive to repair. What in the world was he supposed to do now. But this isn't just Bradley's story; it's a cautionary tale for print shop owners across Texas who rely heavily on automation to keep their businesses thriving. Let's explore a key aspect of this issue and what you can do about it.

What is Automation for Print Shops?

In the world of Texas print shops, efficiency is king. Automation in print shop equipment is not just a fancy add-on anymore. It’s a vital component for maintaining processing efficiencies, improving profit margins, and staying competitive in a highly competitive print environment. However, this reliance on technology comes with its own set of risks as software solutions get more complex and expensive. Imagine your automation system going down, just like what happened to Bradley. The costs of repair and lost productivity can be staggering, not to mention the increased operational costs and the impact on your cost savings. But this begs the question of can anything be done outside of real time maintenance agreements?

Why Insure Automation Against Breakdown?

The risk of automation breakdown is a real concern for print shop owners like Bradley and folks like yourself. If your automated systems fail, the consequences can range from minor setbacks to catastrophic business interruptions for large scale managed print services. Regular maintenance, backup systems, quality equipment, contingency plans, and insurance are strategies that can help mitigate these risks. Each strategy plays a key role in ensuring that your business remains operational, even in the face of unexpected equipment failures. But let's focus on some unique value propositions from insurance carriers to help keep your print shop in great shape financially.



Types of Insurance Coverage For Print Shop Equipment

Navigating the insurance industry can be tricky, especially if you are not dealing with it day to day. For print shop equipment, you need a blend of coverage types to make a complete insurance policy. That blend should include Equipment Breakdown, Cyber Liability, and Business Interruption coverages in a perfect world for automated commercial printing equipment. These coverages work in tandem to provide comprehensive protection for your commercial print equipment. But be warned: a standard Business Owner’s Policy that you can buy directly over the internet at two in the morning likely does not cover these specific needs. You need a Complete Insurance Policy tailored for the unique risks of equipment failure in your print shop. Let's take a look at these three specific business-related insurance types.

Equipment Breakdown Coverage

Bradley learned the hard way that equipment breakdown coverage is vital. When equipment breaks down it can cost a fortune to repair or replace. Assuming that you are not using a vendor management process, the cost to repair or replace that equipment falls directly to your PL statement. Equipment breakdown coverage can step in and cover the costs of repairs and replacements. This type of coverage is a cost-effective way to ensure that sudden equipment failures don't derail your business. It’s an essential endorsement for any Texas print shop’s insurance package.

Cyber Liability Insurance

As document automation software has proliferated in print shops across Texas, these shops are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. Cyber Liability Insurance is critical for protecting against these risks, especially when your equipment automation is compromised through ransomware, malware, phishing, or network intrusions. This coverage is your shield against the potentially devastating impact of a cyber breach on your automated equipment to make sure that these criminals don't torpedo your ability to serve others by hacking into your system and taking over even the most robust software platform.

Business Interruption Insurance

Imagine your print shop halting operations due to a malware attack that compromises your equipment automation. This is where Business Interruption Insurance becomes a lifeline. It covers income loss and during such unexpected interruptions, ensuring that a temporary setback doesn’t turn into a permanent closure. This business-related insurance can expand beyond an automation issue and prove vital to your overall business success. These three insurance types put together make a formidable moat around your castle.

Costs of Insuring Automation for Print Shops

Now, let's talk about numbers. As a business owner ourselves, we understand how much you worry about costs. You not only have insurance costs to worry about, but also labor costs, administrative costs, operational costs, and it seems like the list could go on forever. The first step is to determine how much coverage do you need for your print shop’s automated equipment? What is your total cost of ownership for that equipment? What are your real time cash needs if things were to go down? What is your backup plan from a software solutions standpoint for your print environment? What do your maintenance agreements look like? These are all very real questions that an experienced  commercial insurance age would ask.

Once you have an idea about these needs, it's essential to evaluate the coverage included in your Business Owner’s Policy and understand what you have at a base level. Remember, the right coverage is an investment in your business’s continuity and future. In a typical scenario, the costs of adding in equipment breakdown, cyber liability, and additional business interruption insurance can be considerably less than expected.

Factors That Affect Cost of Premiums

The cost of premiums for automation insurance is influenced by various factors, including the potential impact on lost productivity and the total insured value of your equipment. As your print shop grows and your investment in automation increases, it is likely that your premiums will as well. But consider this an investment in securing higher outputs and revenues for your business on the backs of the insurance providers!

How To Cover Your Print Shop Equipment Automation

Automation in print shops, as Bradley will tell you, is not just about the latest gadgets; it's about streamlining processes, reducing costs, and enhancing efficiency. From digital printers to finishing equipment and packaging machines, each piece plays a role in improving quality control, speeding up turnaround times, and handling larger order volumes. Once you understand how it can be at risk, finding the right insurance carrier or carriers to partner with for your comprehensive insurance package will be key. That is where finding a great independent commercial insurance specialist becomes a key task. 

Experienced Commercial Insurance Agent

When it comes to insuring your print shop, the expertise of an experienced commercial insurance agent is invaluable. They bring a wealth of knowledge and can offer a range of options, not just a one-size-fits-all solution. Their specialization in print shops means they understand your unique needs and can guide you to the best coverage. And sometimes that means using different companies for things like your cyber liability insurance simply because it's a better fit.

Working With Insurance For Texans

Partnering with Insurance For Texans is like entering a relationship where your needs are paramount. Our agents are independent, working tirelessly for your business, not for a faceless corporation. We’re here to provide tailored solutions that address the specific challenges and opportunities of your Texas print shop.

Bradley’s story is a testament to the unpredictability of running a print shop and the importance of being prepared. With the right insurance coverage, you can transform your print shop’s vulnerability into strength. Don’t let equipment failures be the end of your business story.

Click the button below to explore how TRUE Texas Print Shop Insurance can safeguard your livelihood and keep your presses running, no matter what.