The Insurance for Texans Blog

Does My Student Athlete Need An Accident Policy?

Written by Ron Wadley | Oct 11, 2023 10:29:06 PM

I was sitting in the bleachers at the high school football game for my daughter's school. One of the most Texan things that you can do on a Friday night. Things were all going according to plan. We were winning, the cheerleaders were cheering, and my elementary age school daughter was playing with her friends. That's when the loud scream came from the field.

One of the receivers, Jonathan, had caught a ball on a crossing route coming across the field and was immediately hit hard. His leg was twisted in ways that did not seem humanly possible. Unfortunately, that twisting was the result of a femur breaking. Football is a violent sport, but no one ever wants to see that. He was in immense pain and was going to need a long rehab. I felt not only for the young man laying on the field in pain, but also for his parents. The process ahead of them was going to be long and costly.

When we think about all of the positives that come with high school sports, we rarely consider that negative that is hanging out there if someone is seriously injured. If this were your son, do you know exactly how the bills would be handled? Will your regular health insurance plan cover it? Is your deductible high? Is your maximum out of pocket $10,000 like it is for a lot of Texans? Maybe you have a medical policy that will cover accidents like this one? Let's take a look at what this family was able to lean on.

What is an Accident Policy?

An accident policy is a type of insurance that provides coverage for medical expenses and other costs associated with an accident. It is particularly important for student athletes who are engaged in high-risk activities such as sports. An accident policy can cover a range of expenses, including medical bills, emergency room visits, hospital stays, surgeries, and rehabilitation costs. This type of insurance is essential as it helps protect athletes and their families from potential financial hardships in the event of a severe injury or catastrophic accident. It provides peace of mind by mitigating the financial burden and ensuring that athletes like Jonathan receive the necessary medical care and treatments without incurring significant out-of-pocket expenses.

Why Do High School Athletes Need an Accident Policy?

High school athletes face many injury risks while playing sports. Football, basketball, soccer, you name it - accidents can happen anytime, putting the athlete's health and future opportunities on the line. College dreams of these athletes often revolve around athletic scholarships, which offer a pathway to a higher education. But a severe injury could crush those dreams, leaving the athlete sidelined and scholarship hopes shattered. Fear not! With an accident policy, the student athlete can still chase their desired college, even if they can't compete due to an injury. The policy covers medical expenses and care, ensuring they can keep their academic and career goals in sight without the family feeling the burden of the costs that come with that treatment.

Accident insurance also plays a vital role for students who do not have health insurance or have limited coverage through their family plans. Without proper insurance, medical expenses resulting from athletic injuries can create significant financial burdens for families. An accident policy fills in the gaps left by other insurance coverage, protecting all enrolled students from high out-of-pocket expenses.

Types of Injury Insurance Coverage for High School Athletes

High school athletes face the risk of injuries while participating in sports activities. To protect their health and future opportunities, it is important for these athletes to have the right insurance coverage. There are various types of injury insurance coverage options available for high school athletes to ensure they are adequately protected. From basic accident policies to comprehensive catastrophic injury insurance programs, these coverage options cater to different needs and budgets. Whether it's a minor injury or a severe one, having the right insurance coverage can make all the difference in receiving prompt medical attention and alleviating financial burdens. By understanding the available options, parents of athletes can make informed decisions to safeguard their well-being and the family finances.

Medical Expenses and Bills

Medical expenses and bills can be a significant financial burden for high school athletes. In the event of severe injuries, the costs of medical care can quickly add up, leaving the families of student athletes with hefty expenses. This is where insurance coverage plays a crucial role in protecting athletes from these potential financial hardships.

Traditional medical Insurance policies provide coverage for expenses incurred by athletes due to injuries sustained during sports activities. Whether it's a minor injury or a catastrophic one, having medical coverage can help alleviate the cost of medical care. Hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation sessions, and other related expenses can be covered by insurance, reducing the financial strain on athletes and their families.

The downside of traditional medical insurance plans for many Texans are the high co-pays, deductibles, and maximum out of pocket expenses that they can be on the hook for. And if you do not have any health insurance coverage, you may face extensive out-of-pocket expenses for necessary medical treatment. Either way, these costs can quickly accumulate and become overwhelming. potentially affecting their access to the care they need later. An accident medical policy can help cover up these expenses, so that athletes can focus on their recovery without having to worry about the financial implications.

Athletic Trainer Coverage

Athletic trainers are vital for high school athletes as they ensure that student athletes receive the necessary medical attention and support to prevent and treat injuries. One of the primary responsibilities of an athletic trainer is injury prevention. They have the knowledge and expertise to assess an athlete's physical condition and identify any potential risk factors. By implementing appropriate conditioning and training programs, they help reduce the likelihood of injuries occurring in the first place.

In the unfortunate event of an injury, athletic trainers are trained to provide immediate care and treatment. They are skilled in evaluating injuries and developing comprehensive rehabilitation programs to aid in the athlete's recovery. Additionally, they play a pivotal role in determining when professional medical attention is necessary, ensuring athletes receive the appropriate level of care promptly.

Athletic trainers also provide ongoing support throughout an athlete's journey. They offer guidance on injury prevention techniques, proper nutrition, and injury management strategies. Moreover, they are often the first responders during emergencies, equipped to administer first aid and manage potentially life-threatening situations.

By having great athletic trainers, high school athletes can rest assured that they have access to a healthcare professional who specializes in sports-related injuries. This not only helps to prevent and treat injuries effectively but also provides athletes with the confidence and peace of mind to focus on their performance and overall well-being.

Personal Insurance Coverage for High School Athletes

Personal insurance coverage is essential for high school athletes to protect themselves from potential medical expenses in the event of an injury. Different sports come with additional risks, such as contact sports like football or soccer, which have a higher likelihood of severe injuries compared to non-contact sports like golf or tennis. With the rising cost of medical care, having personal insurance coverage can help cover medical expenses and alleviate the financial burden on athletes and their families.

Common injuries among athletes include sprains, fractures, concussions, ligament tears, and muscle strains. These injuries can result in medical bills for doctor's visits, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and physical therapy. Personal health insurance coverage can provide financial protection for these expenses, ensuring that athletes receive the necessary medical care without worrying about the cost.

Catastrophic insurance, accident insurance, and athletic insurance policies provide a means to cover the costs of coverage for student athletes. While they are typically not a comprehensive athletic insurance program, they do help close gaps that may be left by personal health insurance.

How Are Accident Policies Different From Regular Health Insurance?

Accident policies differ from regular health insurance in several ways. While health insurance typically covers a wide range of medical expenses, accident policies specifically focus on covering costs associated with accidents and injuries. Regular health insurance may require a deductible to be met before coverage kicks in, whereas accident policies often have lower or no deductibles. Additionally, accident policies pay out benefits directly to the policyholder, allowing them to use the funds as needed for medical bills or other expenses related to the accident. Another difference is that accident policies are often more affordable compared to comprehensive health insurance plans, making them a cost-effective option for individuals who primarily want coverage for accidents and injuries. Overall, accident policies provide a specialized form of insurance coverage that fills in the gaps left by regular health insurance, ensuring that individuals are adequately protected in the event of an accident or injury.

Types of Accidents Covered

An accident policy is essential for every student athlete, especially those who participate in high school sports. Accidents can happen at any time, and the medical expenses that arise from these incidents can quickly add up. Having an accident policy in place ensures that the athlete is protected from the financial burden of unexpected medical bills.

Accident policies typically cover a wide range of accidents that may occur during athletic activities. These can include sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, concussions, and even more severe injuries like spinal cord injuries or traumatic brain injuries. No matter the nature of the accident, having an accident policy in place provides peace of mind knowing that the athlete's medical expenses will be covered.

In the case of severe injuries, accident policies become even more important. These injuries may require extensive medical care and rehabilitation, resulting in significant expenses. Accident policies can help alleviate the financial burden by covering the costs of hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation programs, and other necessary treatments.

It's important to note that accident policies often come with limited benefit benefits. This means that there may be caps or restrictions on the coverage provided. It is essential for student athletes like Jonathan and their families to carefully review the policy to understand the specific coverage and limitations.

Deductibles and Maximum Out of Pocket

Some accident policies for high school athletes include deductibles and maximum out of pocket expenses for the policyholder. Deductibles are the amount that the policyholder must pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage begins. For example, if an accident policy has a $500 deductible, the athlete or their family would have to pay the first $500 of medical expenses before the insurance coverage kicks in. With some policies, there may be cost sharing of the expenses after the deductible is met. This is usually on a percentage basis of the remaining bills.

In addition to deductibles, accident policies often have a maximum out of pocket expense. This is the highest amount that the policyholder would have to pay for covered medical expenses per the contract. Once the maximum out of pocket limit is reached, the insurance coverage typically covers 100% of eligible expenses rather than the cost sharing mentioned above. For instance, if an accident policy has a maximum out of pocket expense of $3,000, the athlete's family would only need to pay up to $3,000 for covered medical expenses, and any expenses exceeding that amount would be covered by the insurance.

The good news is that many policies only have a deductible. Having many deductible and max out of pocket options for your accident insurance plan means that you get that knee injury covered however you need to and still manage the costs well.

Limited Benefit Accident Policy Benefits

A Limited Benefit Accident Policy can provide valuable coverage for high school athletes, minimizing or even eliminating out-of-pocket expenses that may arise from injuries sustained during officially-sponsored activities. This type of policy offers several key benefits that can offer financial protection and peace of mind.

One of the primary benefits of a Limited Benefit Accident Policy is the coverage it provides for total disability and partial disability resulting from an accident. In the unfortunate event that a student athlete suffers a severe injury, this policy can offer financial assistance to cover medical expenses during the recovery period. Additionally, some policies may offer cash benefits specifically for catastrophic injuries, providing an additional layer of financial support.

With many of the limited benefit accident policies in place today, there is no deductible or sharing of expenses. They begin paying immediately and can be used to eat up the out of pocket medical costs associated with a more traditional health insurance policy used to cover student athletes. This is exactly what Jonathan's family did from our story. Secondary insurance programs can be an excellent low cost way to make sure that accident insurance for students works for you and not against you if a major injury occurs.

How Can We Get An Accident Policy?

The first step in finding insurance for your student athlete is to understand what your current health insurance situation is today. When you understand what medical benefits you do have in place now, it becomes easier to find an athletic insurance policy that can cover gaps, cover out of pocket expenses, or provide first dollar coverage for medical services. Then you can decide between plan options and insurance carriers that fit your needs and budget requirements.

If you are ready to secure a plan for insurance for athletes in your family or school, we suggest using an independent insurance agent who understands student sports insurance needs and has options to provide it. The agents at Insurance For Texans have plans available to cover accident insurance coverage gaps from major medical plans as well as limited benefit plans to simply offset out of pocket costs at little additional costs. If you are looking for catastrophic injury insurance only, we can help you with those plans as well. Our goal is to keep your pocketbook intact while also providing peace of mind if your athlete has a catastrophic injury just like Jonathan.


Call us at 469.789.0220 or click that button below to secure coverage for your student athlete.