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Insurance For Texans Blog

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    Are You Ready For The Unexpected? Lessons From My Church In Crisis

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Dec 11, 2024 1:46:19 PM
    Ron Wadley

    This past week was rough for my own church. Late in the week I received an email from our Senior Pastor that had a letter to inform the entire church of an investigation into one of our staff members. What started as a report to the church of a suspicious device in a home used by visiting missionaries turned into an arrest and subsequent news story.

    What started as a surely this is nothing moment ended disastrously. The local police had been brought into the process immediately after the initial report, and they ended up conducting a thorough investigation that resulted in multiple people being arrested with illicit material on phones. This was not something that could even be considered happening at my church.

    When the service started on Sunday, it was something I’ll never forget. But to the credit of our staff and some great counsel, they tackled this situation head on and have proceeded to err on the side of transparency. Involving the legal authorities, allowing the investigative process to operate as it should, and openly sharing details with the congregation as they can, has been a picture of how to properly handle these tricky situations.

    This kind of crisis isn’t something churches want to think about, but the truth is, it can happen to anyone. My church is proof of that. As I have reflected on these events, it has made me ponder what we can do to help churches not only navigate these potential landmines, but also manage these levels of risk well.

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    How a Crisis Can Shake a Church Community

    When the news broke, my first reaction was how could this happen to us. That is likely not a wild thought if you are like me. Our church trusted this person, and many felt betrayed that the level of trust given was discarded. There were plenty of questions, especially in light of all of the scandals that have permeated our news cycles.

    On a practical level, turning this over to the police as soon as something was discovered had to be done. Churches are equipped to handle a lot of crises, but not this one. In the stories that have grabbed the attention of national news outlets, skipping this step is always a problem.

    Beyond that, the staff member was immediately removed from their role and placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. Legal questions came up as this unfolded, and wise counsel from an attorney helped guide actions. This was also important to avoid potential backlash if it was nothing more than a false alarm. When the dust settled and the arrest was made, the termination was simply a matter of paperwork.

    This series of events was unsettling to many church members, but the succinct and fair path that was communicated made it easier to process. Many church communities have been shaken, but the communication can make a huge difference.

    Communicating During a Crisis

    When a crisis happens, how you communicate can either rebuild trust or make things worse. Be open and honest with your congregation, but also respect legal boundaries. Share what you’re doing to address the issue and protect the church moving forward. The goal of crisis communication is to be proactive and set appropriate boundaries. Having a plan from preparing before something happens will allow you to work through the plan and communicate clearly as it unfolds.

    Are You Ready For The Unexpected? Lessons From My Church In Crisis

    What Churches Can Do to Prepare for the Unexpected

    No church wants to imagine something like this happening. I know that we certainly didn't. Given the world around us and the media pressure, proper preparation can make all the difference in how you respond and the final outcome of the crisis situation. Here are some steps that can help you with critical issues when something occurs.

    Conduct Regular Risk Assessments

    Take a close look at your church’s policies, procedures, and insurance coverage. Great crisis management comes from proper preparation. Use these audits to identify high-risk areas where you might be vulnerable, and address them proactively. This kind of review doesn’t have to be overwhelming, but it can help you spot key risks before they turn into problems. It can also help you save on church insurance premiums!

    Background Checks and Policies

    One of the most important things you can do is screen everyone who works or volunteers at your church. Background checks can reveal past behavior that might raise red flags. Consistent screening for all staff and volunteers shows that the church takes safety seriously. Many Texas insurance companies now require these checks before they will issue church insurance coverage for specific types of liability policies.

    Clear policies are just as important and should be part of your safety policies. These should include guidelines for behavior, reporting processes, and consequences for violations. Annual staff training sessions can help staff and volunteers understand the policies and recognize warning signs before something becomes a church insurance crisis.

    The Importance Of Good Church Insurance Coverage

    When working with an experienced church insurance agent, you may not understand why they are asking some of the questions that they do in their conversations with you. Proper risk assessment comes in understanding the processes and procedures you have in place. It is impossible to recommend proper church insurance coverage without that information.

    When looking at our own crisis management beyond the actual procedures that were followed, having a specific type of insurance helps various incidents that can occur. Here are coverages that Insurance For Texans recommends be considered.

    Abuse and Molestation Liability Coverage

    While our crisis ended up not being specifically about either abuse or molestation, it certainly had that potential. If the suspicious devices had been used to secure video, this type of insurance can subsequently help cover the church. Abuse and molestation liability coverage protects the church from legal costs, settlements, and judgments related to claims of misconduct. Even if an allegation is false, defending against it can be expensive and draining for the church.

    This type of coverage not only provides financial protection but also demonstrates the church’s commitment to safety concerns its congregation might have. It is especially important when kids are involved.

    Directors & Officers Liability and Employment Practices Liability Insurance

    Two other types of coverage that are essential for churches across Texas are Directors & Officers (D&O) liability insurance and Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI). These would have been incredibly important if the crisis management planning had not paid off.

    • D&O Liability Insurance: Protects church leaders from personal liability related to governance decisions, financial oversight, or hiring practices. If someone accuses leadership of mismanagement or negligence with a type of crisis, this coverage steps in to help.
    • EPLI Coverage: Covers claims like wrongful termination, workplace harassment, or discrimination. Churches aren’t immune to employee-related legal challenges, and this coverage provides a safety net for those situations. Especially when a dismissal is warranted because of the crisis management.

    Having these policies in place gives church leaders peace of mind, knowing they can focus on serving the community while making hard decisions instead of worrying about personal liability.

    True Texas Church Insurance

    Turning a Crisis into a Learning Opportunity

    The crisis we faced was a wake-up call. Unfortunately, the perfect storm of misconduct did prove to be true. However, it also showed that the crisis management planning had paid off. Our church wasn't having to make an insurance claim but it was highlighting how it can happen anywhere.

    Hopefully, this story can help your church to look closely at how it protects your church and its members. Updating policies, adding training for staff and volunteers, and working with a church insurance specialist to get the right coverage in place can help turn a potential catastrophic claim into a means to shine a light into the community!

    True Texas Church Insurance, offered by Insurance For Texans, provides customized solutions for churches like ours. Whether it’s abuse and molestation liability, D&O, or EPLI coverage, our experienced specialists understand the unique risks churches face and offer customized plans to meet those needs.

    If your church is looking for better protection, click the button below to connect with an expert and learn how to safeguard your ministry. Don’t wait for a crisis to find out what’s missing.


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    Topics: liability, employment liability insurance, D&O, Church Insurance, abuse & molestation