The Insurance for Texans Blog

Does Home Insurance Cover A Car Crashing Into My Grapevine House

Written by Ron Wadley | Sep 13, 2020 3:44:10 PM

We see some stranger things here at Insurance For Texans.

It's not just the crazy Facebook memes that abound with video evidence of cars that careened into a home leaving the exterior curb appeal immensely altered.

Have we put some on our business Facebook page? Guilty. 

We see some of these situations up close and personal.

It never fails for someone to ask, "Whose insurance will pay for this?"

Driver? Homeowner? Anyone? Bueller?


If you wonder the same thing, you are not alone. It is a super-confusing situation.

Responsibility of Auto Insurer

Hopefully the driver making your home target practice has insurance. That way, any damage to your home will be covered by their policy's Property Damage portion of their liability coverage. 

At the same time, the damage of your home can create a potential problem. The Texas state minimum required for property damage on auto policies is $25K. 

If a car strikes your home and knocks down a wall supporting your home, that damage is sure to go beyond $25K. 

Who is responsible for the remaining amount to get you back to right?

Court is an option, but will you win the judgement for that amount? That's not a guarantee. This is why we always recommend with very strong voices to carry AT LEAST $100K IN PROPERTY DAMAGE on your auto policy. 


So What Happens Next?

A Grapevine home insurance policy through Insurance For Texans will cover you home. The repairs get covered under the All Other Peril deductible you pay on your home policy. Even if the driver doesn't have enough coverage, you won't be left footing the major bill of getting your home back to normal. 

You will pay the deductible amount, yes, but that won't have you on the hook for something extremely unaffordable. This will also give you access to using your loss of use coverage to live somewhere while repairs are made. 

Most insurance can be straightforward, but this is life, it involves people, and people do odd things, like crashing cars into your home when you'd prefer they not do that. 

We keep our eye out for these stranger things and make sure we advise you on the best coverage so you don't get left in a pickle. As an independent insurance agency, our advice includes a bevy of policies from a variety of companies to suit your needs.

There's nothing strange about that.