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    Injuries Happen at Your School: How Workers Comp Protects You

    Posted by Matt Wilson on Jan 15, 2025 4:23:53 PM
    Matt Wilson

    Rebecca is a headmaster at a private school in Fort Worth who faced an unexpected problem last week. One of her teachers was injured while setting up a classroom. While lifting a heavy box of textbooks, the teacher strained their back so severely they needed medical attention and time off to recover.

    Rebecca knew she needed to take care of her staff, but she wasn’t sure if filing a workers compensation insurance claim was the right move. She worried about the cost of medical bills and how it might affect her school’s insurance premiums. At the same time, she didn’t want to risk leaving her school unprotected if the injury turned into something more serious.

    Rebecca’s uncertainty is common among administrators in Texas whether they are private or public schools. Many schools, like hers, are unsure about their responsibilities when it comes to workers compensation insurance and how it can protect both their staff and the school itself.

    Workers’ Compensation Isn’t Mandatory in Texas

    After speaking with her experienced insurance agent, Rebecca discovered that Texas is unique because it doesn’t require private employers to carry workers compensation coverage. At first, this seemed like a relief—it was one less expense that would add to the school’s budget. However as the discussion continued, Rebecca quickly realized it was more complicated than she thought.

    The agent explained that not having workers compensation coverage meant Rebecca’s school would be financially responsible for any medical bills or rehabilitation costs related to workplace injuries. This included paying for the teacher’s medical treatment for her back entirely out of pocket. Worse, without workers’ compensation coverage, the school could be at risk of being sued by injured employees, adding costly legal expenses to the mix.

    Rebecca was happy to learn more about the benefits of workers’ compensation coverage, giving her a way to protect both her teacher and the school from significant financial strain.

    Injuries Happen at Your School: How Workers Comp Protects You

    What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?

    Workers compensation programs provide broad protection for employees who are injured or become ill due to their work. Rebecca learned that it covers medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and even legal defense fees if an employee does file a lawsuit.

    At her school, Rebecca’s staff frequently engages in activities that carry some level of risk. Teachers lift heavy supplies, coaches oversee sports activities, and maintenance workers handle equipment repairs with tools and machinery. Each of these tasks comes with the possibility of injury, making workers’ compensation a great risk management solution.

    Rebecca was now seeing the benefit of filing the workers compensation claim since she would have to pay for her teacher’s medical expenses and lost wages directly from the school’s budget. The coverage gave her peace of mind that her teacher would be cared for without jeopardizing the school’s financial health.

    Protecting Your Private School from Liability Exposure

    Workers’ compensation insurance doesn’t just protect employees—this liability coverage also protects the school. Without this additional liability insurance coverage, workplace injuries could leave schools exposed to expensive lawsuits which can be damaging to their reputation. Legal defense costs, settlements, and court-ordered judgments can quickly add up, forcing schools to make difficult financial decisions.

    By investing in workers’ compensation insurance, private schools can shield themselves from these risks. For Rebecca, this coverage was a vital part of her school’s overall liability coverage. It complemented the other policies her school carried, such as general liability and professional liability insurance, to provide complete protection against unforeseen liability risks.

    Workers Compensation Versus Health Insurance

    Rebecca’s situation highlighted an important distinction between workers compensation and health insurance coverage. While a health insurance policy covers personal medical needs, it doesn’t cover work-related injuries. If her teacher had gone to the emergency room and mentioned the injury occurred on the job, the medical care has to be classified as a workplace injury, not a personal health issue. This triggers the health insurance company to deny the claim.

    Many medical providers, like urgent care centers and hospitals, are trained to ask whether an injury occurred at work. This helps assign liability correctly for covered claims, but it can create problems if the school doesn’t have workers compensation coverage in place. Workers compensation bridges that gap, providing protection for job-specific injuries that health insurance won’t cover.

    True Texas Education Insurance - Private Schools

    Customized Solutions for Texas Private Schools

    Ultimately, Rebecca realized that workers compensation was an essential part her private school insurance program. It provided security for her staff, reduced legal liability, and gave her confidence that her school wouldn’t face financial strain from workplace injuries. Workers compensation is a key part of strong legal liability insurance protection.

    The True Texas Education Insurance program provides private schools with customized insurance solutions designed to address their unique risks. This program, available only through Insurance For Texans, connects schools with independent insurance agents with experience insuring schools in Texas. This can help them build comprehensive protection plans that include workers compensation and other critical private school insurance coverages.

    Protect Your School Today

    Rebecca’s story is a reminder of how easily workplace injuries can create challenges for private schools. Workers compensation insurance helps schools protect their staff while safeguarding their financial risks and reputation.

    If you’re ready to protect your school, click the button below to get the best insurance for schools available today!


    Topics: workmans compensation, workers comp, True Texas Education Insurance, private schools