The Insurance for Texans Blog

Is It Worth Filing A Home Insurance Claim?

Written by Ron Wadley | Jul 31, 2019 7:13:41 PM

The independent insurance agents at Insurance For Texans field a lot of questions through out the the day. All are focused on taking care of customers or friends or family. Many are focused on claims and always revolve around uncertainty.

  • Should I file this claim?
  • Will my premiums go up if I file this claim?
  • Can I have you check on this before I file a claim?
  • When should I file a claim?
  • Is it worth filing a home insurance claim?

These are all great questions and in the end are part of why using a local independent insurance agent is so important. We can help with the claims experience for you so that you don't screw it up! The first questions listed really revolve around the last one.

Is It Worth It?

The value of filing claim is going to depend upon you, your risk tolerance, and your financial situation. There are certain situations that should never be claimed upon, but beyond that things can be subjective based on the Texas homeowner. Let's evaluate a story to see what I mean.

Kimberly is a Burleson homeowner with a phenomenal new home. She's been very diligent with her finances and keeps a close on her home. During the spring, the storms begin to roll in but she is comfortable knowing that she has great coverage for her home. Especially her roof. As she sits at kitchen table, the familiar sound of the hail pinging against her window begins to reverberate through her kitchen. She knows this one may be a bit more than usual, which means that there is potentially damage to her home. As the pinging picks up in intensity, one of the panes of glass actually cracks from the impact of the hail though it doesn't break the window completely. Her plan is to check for leaks and call her local independent insurance agent the next morning.

After The Storm

The next morning, Kimberly calls her agent and begins to discuss damage with them. She doesn't have any obvious signs of water coming in the house, but she knows that she has had hail and that damaged window. During this discussion, the agent recommends that a quality local roofer come and do an inspection on her home to see if there is enough damage to warrant a claim to her home insurance. The two of them are able to determine who would be a good fit for her schedule and personality while also clarifying the wind and hail deductible amount that would be due in the event of a claim being filed. Being armed with this information, the roofer is able to do an inspection and provide a report to the insured and the agent that same day.

In this report, the roofer clarifies that there is in fact some damage to the roof. However, the damage likely would not be classified as justifiable for a new roof. The roofer understands the number of hail strikes that have to occur inside a 10' by 10' square to qualify as claimable damage. While there are some shingle that should be replaced along with that window repair, Kimberly now knows that the damage will not meet her deductible and she should therefore not file a claim. Her home insurance company never knows that this was there and her rates are not affected in the slightest.

Why Does Kimberly's Story Matter?

One of the benefits of working with a local independent insurance agent is that you can experience what Kimberly did in our story. Or maybe you get to experience the same thing with a slow water leak in your attic? Or maybe your home was damaged by a car pulling into your driveway? Or is fine china even covered on a claim? While you can always call the 1-800 number to get these same answers, there is a significant difference to you as a homeowner and policy holder. The agent can ask on your behalf and not have a claim filed against your policy just for asking a question.

Considering the following will help you determine who you want to do business with.

  1. A local agent can help you know if you have enough damage to actually make a claim.
  2. A local agent can help you know if an event is even covered by your policy.
  3. A local agent can help you find a professional who can look at a situation and determine a course of action that may or may not need a claim.
  4. A local agent can help you evaluate a roof when buying a home to know if it's worth of coverage.

If you've never been a Kimberly, we're here to help. Our local agents are trained to make sure that you can experience home insurance a different way. We work for you, and not some big insurance company.