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Insurance For Texans Blog

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    I Looked For Home Insurance . . . Why Are All These Agents Calling Me?

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Mar 22, 2019 9:26:00 AM

    When you head to do Google search to look for Burleson Home Insurance or Ft Worth Home Insurance, there is always a weird looking option towards the top of the results. It claims to show you the "top 10 best", the "top ten cheapest", or "compare quotes fast". When you click on it, they are immediately asking for your personal information and claim to be able to give you those options in a blink of an eye. It feels too good to be true, but you move forward with trying to get a quote quickly. And then the phone starts ringing! It's agent after agent wanting to ask you additional questions and you have no idea who they are. AND NO ONE HAS GIVEN YOU AN ACTUAL QUOTE!!!

    Finding Home Insurance Using A Web SearchSo what just happened? In the world of home insurance, there are many marketing companies that have been created with the sole purpose of capturing your information and subsequently feeding it to agents looking for prospective buyers. On the surface that sounds awesome. But there is a catch for the consumer. That catch is that your information is typically not passed to a single agent or local business for them to contact you. Your information is sold to six or more agents in the blink of an eye. They know have permission to contact you for a long time, and you're left feeling frustrated. And then, just about the time it subsides, the information is sold again and again and it seems like the phone calls, texts, and emails just won't stop.

    So What Can A Texas Homeowner Do?

    The first thing you want to do is to look and understand where you are providing your private data. Providing that information to a trusted, local agent that you either know or was referred directly to you is a great way to protect your phone from being blown up. That singular, local agent has a vested interest in keeping that information private as they WANT to be the only one you are talking to about a pending change in coverage.

    The second thing you want to do is work with a local Independent Insurance Agent who can look across the market place for you. We all want the best deal, and finding that generally requires some comparison shopping. An independent agent can accomplish that for you while you don't have to do the heavy lifting. They can match your wants and needs to the right policy and the look at the prices of many companies rather than just one.

    The third thing you want to do is work with people in your community that understand your personal needs. These people will be in business in your town and contribute to your community. That means that they will take a vested interest in making sure that you are well taken care of along with all of your neighbors. That's the Texas Way Y'all.

    Texas Home Insurance Search Tips

    If you are contemplating shopping your home insurance, and are not sure where to turn, Insurance For Texans is here to help you. Speak with one of our local, trusted agents today to evaluate your needs and how you can benefit from our service.

    I Need The BEST Home Insurance

    Topics: home insurance, insurance for texans, independent insurance broker, Fort Worth, North Texas, Dallas/Fort Worth, Burleson Home Insurance