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Insurance For Texans Blog

All the Insurance Topics a Texan Could Want

    The Difference Between a DP-1 and DP-3 Rental Policy

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Nov 2, 2019 11:43:08 AM
    Rick is buying his rental property. It's a great little three bedroom, two bath home in Abilene that he is getting a discounted price because of a ...
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    Topics: replacement cost, actual cash value, rental property, landlord insurance, investment property, property

    Texas Home Insurance Policies May Not Replace Your 15+ Year Old Roof

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Jun 27, 2019 4:01:49 PM
    As we are approaching a new year, many Texans are looking over their household finances. It's something we recommend and realize that a lot of fellow ...
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    Topics: replacement cost, actual cash value, claim settlement, North Texas, Dallas/Fort Worth, homeowners insurance, Home Insurance Tips, roofing schedule

    What Does Builder's Risk Insurance Cover?

    Posted by Chris Howard on May 16, 2019 7:25:25 PM
    If you had any fun as a child, you liked to build tall things and destroy them. Whether plastic lego towers, castles made of sand, or a house of ...
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    Topics: Insured, insurance for texans, independent insurance broker, replacement cost, actual cash value, windstorms, claim settlement, sewer backup, hail, investment property, Theft

    What To Consider For Insuring An Older Home

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Mar 21, 2019 1:01:00 PM
    The idea of the fixer upper home is romanticized on HGTV. Words like shiplap and demolition come to mind with a sense of finding great value. It's a ...
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    Topics: home insurance, insurance for texans, independent insurance broker, replacement cost, actual cash value, Fort Worth, North Texas

    Actual Cash Value VS Replacement Cost Home Insurance

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Mar 12, 2019 10:14:37 AM
    Texas homeowners are constantly asking their independent insurance agents at Insurance for Texans if their home insurance policy is Replacement Cost. ...
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    Topics: home insurance, Texas, insurance for texans, independent insurance broker, older home, replacement cost, actual cash value, Fort Worth, claim settlement, partial losses, North Texas, Dallas, Dallas/Fort Worth, complete losses, Burleson Home Insurance

    Home Insurance Claim Settlement

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Feb 28, 2019 2:18:27 PM
    The best home insurance that we sell at Insurance For Texans is the kind you never make a claim with. That's because it means that you have not had ...
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    Topics: home insurance, insurance for texans, independent insurance broker, replacement cost, actual cash value, Fort Worth, claim settlement, partial losses, deductible, North Texas, Dallas, Dallas/Fort Worth, complete losses, Burleson Home Insurance, hail

    What Is Home Insurance Personal Property

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Feb 13, 2019 10:08:00 AM
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    Topics: home insurance, home, replacement cost, actual cash value, contents coverage, Dallas/Fort Worth, Burleson Home Insurance

    Commercial Insurance

    Posted by Brad Hancock on May 24, 2018 11:21:54 AM
    You run a business in Texas. That's awesome. But, what are you doing to protect it from catastrophe?
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    Topics: insurance broker, replacement cost, actual cash value, Fort Worth, windstorms, partial losses, contents coverage, limits of coverage, increased construction costs, deductible, North Texas, Dallas, Dallas/Fort Worth, split deductibles, hurricanes