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Insurance For Texans Blog

All the Insurance Topics a Texan Could Want

    Does A Roof Payment Schedule Matter If I Claim Every Three Years?

    Posted by Ron Wadley on May 14, 2024 5:03:23 PM
    Even though the spring hail storm season was almost coming to a close, Denton got hit by yet another large event with some baseball sized hail. Most ...
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    Topics: replacement cost, actual cash value, roofing schedule, TRUE Texas Home Insurance

    Hail Insurance For Your Home

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Mar 13, 2024 11:45:00 AM
    Even with the mass migration of new people to our great state, if you have lived here for more than a hot minute you've seen some weather. Texans new ...
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    Topics: home insurance, Texas, weather, insurance for texans, independent insurance broker, replacement cost, actual cash value, Fort Worth, windstorms, claim settlement, deductible, North Texas, Dallas, Dallas/Fort Worth, percentage deductibles, dwelling, Burleson Home Insurance, hail

    Weathering the Storm: Surviving Hail Coverage Shifts in Texas

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Feb 20, 2024 4:45:48 PM
    Gene sat in his Lubbock kitchen, staring at the renewal documents for his home insurance coverage. The Texas sky outside was clear today, but Gene's ...
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    Topics: actual cash value, deductible, Dallas/Fort Worth, hail, Home Insurance Tips, roofing schedule, TRUE Texas Home Insurance, lubbock

    Why Won't My Insurance Coverage Replace My Roof?

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Dec 29, 2023 10:15:00 AM
    With all of the insurance companies being in the news for the wicked increases in home insurance rates over the last two years, more and more Texans ...
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    Topics: replacement cost, actual cash value, windstorms, hail, roofing schedule, TRUE Texas Home Insurance, Austin

    Why Do You Need Replacement Cost on Personal Belongings?

    Posted by Chris Howard on Jan 30, 2021 12:38:35 PM
    Nobody wants to think about a major catastrophe involving your home. Yet, knowing bad things happen from time to time regardless of where you live, ...
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    Topics: home insurance, Texas, replacement cost, actual cash value, windstorms, hail, Theft, flood insurance, Grapevine, Grapevine Home Insurance

    Will My Home Insurance Policy Replace My 15-Year Old Grapevine Roof?

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Jun 30, 2020 6:16:56 PM
    Hail. Like death and taxes, some things in life are inevitable. Hailstorms blow through North Texas each spring and sometimes, just to keep it fun, ...
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    Topics: replacement cost, actual cash value, claim settlement, North Texas, Dallas/Fort Worth, homeowners insurance, Home Insurance Tips, Grapevine Home Insurance

    Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost on Grapevine Home Insurance

    Posted by Ron Wadley on May 5, 2020 9:40:45 PM
    There's nothing wrong with asking your independent insurance agent if your homeowners insurance policy is replacement cost. We get it. You only want ...
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    Topics: home insurance, Texas, insurance for texans, independent insurance broker, older home, replacement cost, actual cash value, Fort Worth, claim settlement, partial losses, North Texas, Dallas, Dallas/Fort Worth, complete losses, Grapevine Home Insurance

    Do I Need an Insurance Claim Settlement on My Grapevine Home?

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Apr 26, 2020 8:01:59 PM
    Do you know the best home insurance we sell here at Insurance For Texans? It's the kind where you never make a claim. This equals nothing bad ...
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    Topics: home insurance, insurance for texans, independent insurance broker, replacement cost, actual cash value, Fort Worth, claim settlement, partial losses, deductible, North Texas, Dallas, Dallas/Fort Worth, complete losses, hail, Grapevine Home Insurance

    Hail Insurance For Your Grapevine Home

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Apr 25, 2020 1:50:58 PM
    Grapevine, Texas weather is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes you don't know what you're going to get, but you know what kind of weather we can ...
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    Topics: home insurance, Texas, weather, insurance for texans, independent insurance broker, replacement cost, actual cash value, Fort Worth, windstorms, claim settlement, deductible, North Texas, Dallas, Dallas/Fort Worth, percentage deductibles, dwelling, hail, Grapevine, Grapevine Home Insurance

    What Does Personal Property  Mean Regarding Grapevine Home Insurance?

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Apr 7, 2020 12:59:07 PM
    It's easy for Grapevine homeowners to focus on what it would take to rebuild their home in the case of a loss. Knowing your policy dwelling amount is ...
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    Topics: home insurance, home, replacement cost, actual cash value, claim settlement, contents coverage, Dallas/Fort Worth, Grapevine Home Insurance